Your trusted source for valuable insights and resources on your health journey. Access evidence-based tips, expert advice, and practical strategies to support your well-being. From nutrition and fitness to mindfulness and self-care, we cover a wide range of topics to help you live a healthier, happier life.
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3 Common Nutrition Traps
We know you’re committed to create your best health through food and have some big goals to boot! Let’s make sure you’re aware of these 3 Nutrition Traps! These pitfalls are rarely obvious in our diet guru culture. But, when you can spot them from a mile away, you’ll be able to tap into an inner wisdom and live by nutritional values that work for YOU, and have a life with food that is both nourishing and rewarding!
How are you showing up for yourself when no one is looking?
How are you showing up for yourself when no one is looking?
Clients often say “I have it all together for everyone else, but just can’t seem to take care of myself”. If you can relate to this, join Coach Laura in a compassionate exploration of your “Front Stage Self” compared to your “Back Stage Self”. Ditch the self judgement that can put shame at the center of frustrating patterns, like vegging out with Oreo’s and Netflix, and see how honesty and integration of these two personas is critical to your life long wellness success!
Even Coaches Need a Tribe!
“If they can do it then by god, so can I!” That’s the power of a TRIBE. You need it. We need it! There’s strength in numbers, in the “cloud of witnesses” who are cheering you on! Without this important layer of health in your life, it’s normal to struggle with reaching your weight loss and fitness goals. Lean on social support to get you moving!
Do you know how to be HUNGRY?
Knowing HOW to be hungry means knowing how to be with all the different types of hunger cues that can chime off in your body and brain throughout the day. Feeling empowered and in control of what you eat, how much, what kind of food and when you eat is largely due to self awareness tools related to hunger and satiation. The complex messages going on in your body and mind around food and eating require a deeper understanding. So, if you feel confused or overwhelmed by how to change your eating habits, then we invite you to START HERE. This mind-body work can set you on a whole new path of wellness success!
The Missing Essentials
There are 3 Big Essentials for Weight Loss - these are lesser known and often completely missing from most plans or programs. This error makes weight loss harder, more inconsistent and much more frustrating!
Let’s take a deeper look at why these formulas work AGAINST people and how to align yourself with long term success with a life and body that is just right for you!
How can you get more consistent with healthier habits? Success is built on 3 principles you might be missing! Maybe you keep trying to stick with all the things you know you should be doing, and it works for a little while and then you lose motivation or life gets in the way? It’s so frustrating because you really do want to make better choices. Discover these 3 principles to build your “muscle” of Consistency!
Stop Exercising to Lose Weight
Stop exercising to lose weight. What?! Instead, make Metabolic Soup. This recipe will get you thinking of exercise in a new way and just might change WHY you do it!
Hey Coach . . . Do I have to log all my food to lose weight?
Some people love to log their food day in and day out. But most people don’t! Here at Three Point Balance, we empower you to decide whether logging is part of your personal journey and provide a number of options for you to choose from through a two step process . . .
The War of Health
Resistance is that force inside us pushing back against change. Anytime, anyone wants to grow personally, get healthy, create something, advance spirituality, start a business - resistance lurks. You’ve got to outsmart it in order to WIN!
Tired of Over-Thinking Food?
Tired of thinking about food? Tired of feeling inconsistent with with the foods you want to eat that align with your health goals? We get it! We make roughly 200 food decisions per day! In order to reduce decision fatigue and reach your health goals, we need to automate some patterns in a very strategic process!
Meal Prep for the “Disinterested Chef”
Meal prep can feel overwhelming!! Building meals for the week doesn’t have to be. When you start with your strengths, identify “low hanging fruit” that will make things easier, and experiment with simple healthy adjustments, it can all come together for you!
Go for the B!
Here’s some GOOD news that likely negates all you learned in Western education trying to earn your 4.0 GPA:
A solid B average is actually better than an A when it comes to making lifestyle changes.
Self improvement might be holding you back!
You want to better yourself. Improve. Grow! But, “Self Improvement” can hold people back and create internal resistance! Change your focus in order to access what you’re truly capable of!
Stuck in the Middle
"The middle" is where motivation lapses. When none of the excitement of starting the journey is left and the end seems a long way away. Honoring the “middle” means Shifting Focus and Up-leveling Accountability. Here’s how you do it . . .
Your Holiday Stress-Less Guide
The Pintrest image of the “perfect holiday” is a myth. You know this, but it’s hard it is to LET GO of UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS. This underlying tone is often what spirals people into emotional eating in all seasons, but especially during the Holidays!
By learning some basic ways to let go, have healthier boundaries, and prioritize what’s really important, you truly can THRIVE!
Emotional Eating & The Holidays
In less than 90 seconds you can use your body to feel emotions instead of allowing them to wreak havoc in your brain and drive stress. The holidays are especially stressful so challenges like emotional eating can add to it all! Learn some simple tools to change your emotional landscape and respond with compassion instead of cookies!
“The Best Decision I’ve Made”
Becoming a Three Point Balance client was the best decision I’ve made…I’ve noticed dramatic difference in my life…I feel stronger and more physically fit.
Can Your Body Change Your Mind?
We all have thoughts that can that drive us crazy especially about food, eating and unwanted patterns. So, the common idea is to use our mind to change them. What if your BODY holds the keys to changing your mind?? See how the mind-body connection can be a powerful tool to free your mind and change your habits!